Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Memoirs...of the wedding

So bored...this is when you will let the mind wander to the memory it went as far as my wedding days...still feels that i just got married...can still remember the crowd..the beautiful deco' brothers running everywhere..the pre wed party..after wed party...(most guys need just a reason to party) lovely happy they were..the show at the wed...the antiques that i did..luved my flower police escort..the beautiful self made(actually my tambi and his good fren created it) wedding card..(which has now became a sensational trend..thanks to both of them)...but there's one thing which still lurks around me..the poem on my wed card..dedicated to my lovely wife....

In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud ...
and your form and colours are the way I love them....

You are mine..mine..woman with sweet lips..
and in your life my infinite dreams live.......

Rabindranath Tagore

It still rhymes in this mind.....

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